How Much More Are You Going To Take?????
Category: News and Politics
An American Warning - 312/08
I want you all to take note of what exactly is going on… then I want everything to think about the LONG TERM rather than this moment right here.
It’s almost inevitable at this point that history in the making is only history repeating. I say this because all anyone has to do to see where exactly this whole thing is going, is to simply watch the History Channel and watch a few specials over any past civilization.
But before I go on, I want to highlight Ben Franklin for a moment. What a great man! A very smart man too. Ben said "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic". Do you think he was talking about Social Security or Welfare? Or maybe he was talking about items like Universal Healthcare. I like to think he was talking about the constant buildup of all programs and services that come from the United States Treasury and hence forth build the government to a size that by all definition is unconstitutional.
Here is the deal my friends. I want you to ask yourself what the chances are that we will have some type of Universal Healthcare within the next few years. Be honest with yourself. If you said the chances are pretty good… you’re probably right.
So I want you to consider a few things now. Consider the fact that this country is headed (if not already there) into a recession. Which by the way… that is literally the least of our worries at the moment. Anyway… so with this recession, money begins to become tight. Even for the government. Let me touch on this for a moment.
This stimulus package that everyone is going to get this tax season… this "extra money" the government is "providing" for the American people… you may be wise to consider your options. The money (which was borrowed from China) was given to the American people in order to spend on products (which more than likely will be Chinese) in an effort to help stimulate the economy. There is an old saying that kind of talks about this… hmm… robbing Peter to pay Paul… that’s close enough…
So before I get too far off that subject… let me ask a question… if we can’t even afford the stimulus package… how are we going to be able to afford "Universal Healthcare"? Think about it for a half a second.
Think about this… the baby boomers started retiring in January of this year. They can’t even afford their retirement… Reuters reported today that a third of Americans 50 and over are not confident they will have enough money to retire, and more than two-thirds expect to keep working well into old age, according to a report, commissioned by retirement services firm SecurePath by Transamerica.
We already established that social security is going to be completely gone shortly. Now… I want you to pay close attention to this next passage from the report. "A huge percentage of people say they rely on government because it’s the one thing they know is dependable," said Will Prest, chief marketing officer at Transamerica Retirement Management in St. Paul, Minnesota.
So let’s look at this again… recession, social security gone, baby boomers retiring, can’t afford the current stimulus package, etc…. How on earth are we going to be able to afford Universal Healthcare? Are we going to keep on borrowing from a Communist Military Dictatorship? Cause that’s sounds like a plan! What other options are there?
Oh ya… I’m sorry I forgot the words of our major candidates….
"Raise taxes", "Raise taxes on fuel", "take from you and give to others" because maybe the lifetime of 60 – 80 percent of my money that they tax isn’t enough already… And I almost forgot Hillary Clinton’s "garnish wages" comment.
I’m amazed that people are buying into too.
The government… all knowing… all great… please run my life… use my money… I don’t care that you have absolutely no knowledge of how to do it… I don’t care that you bankrupt social security… I don’t care that you don’t take care of our veterans… I don’t care that you send our border patrol agents to jail after asking them "secure" the borders… I don’t care that you interrogate old ladies at the airport instead of the guy who looks like he has 8 cereal boxes under his shirt… I don’t care that you attack my 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Amendments to my Bill of Rights… I don’t care that you don’t listen to me… I don’t care if you’re corrupt and tyrannical… I don’t care that you send my soldiers off to war and then don’t let them fight it… I don’t care that you tried numerous times shove Criminal Amnesty down my throat… I don’t care that you signed the SPP (sponsored by the CFR) without my consent… and I’m not even worried that you care more about those who aren’t even American more than you do your own people… please… how can I give more of my sovereignty to you?
I’m so angry! But unfortunately we do in fact live in the shadow of the all mighty Rome. The great republic that become an empire. The great empire that enslaved over a third of the people. And the great empire which crumbed from within.
Well America… it’s been an interesting ride… unfortunately; I don’t think the tracks at the end of the ride are still there…
Damn it people… we can stop this. It just takes a little effort and a lot of common sense. Why are there only a handful of people who can see this and actually say something? Why are so many of you… who can see this… so afraid to stand up?
By all means... pass this on... repost it... etc.
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