Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama and Rev. Wright

Let's see if Media Matters does an update on this:

Media Matters is criticizing ABC News for not reporting that "Obama disavowed" Rev. Wright's incendiary speeches, including "God Damn America." See that here: Media Matters Criticizes ABC News

Now, look at this: The headline states "Obama disagrees with Pastor's 'God Damn America.' See it here: ABC News Actually Reports on Obama's Criticism -- of the "statements" and ABC News

Will Media Matters say that ABC News has in fact posted this story? Will Media Matters say that Mr. Obama accused ABC News of "cherry picking" a "quote," when in fact they reported on a SERMON?

No, just as they won't criticize Mr. Olbermann for calling President Bush a "fascist," even though they criticize Glenn Beck for calling John Edwards a "Communist."

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