The misconceptions and media omissions about Barack Obama’s relationship with “race” is simply incredulous, and the love affair has gone on too long. Saturday Night Live, hardly a beacon of conservatism, has noted well the media’s gushing adoration for the supposed reincarnation of JFK. Mr. Obama has used race as an ally, but will soon have to make a decision that might make or break his political aspirations. Let’s first establish and preconceptions about Mr. Obama and race.
Point one: various ads on the Internet and blacks have noted that Mr. Obama would be “the first African American President.” That simply is not true. Obama is of a mixed race heritage: black and white. Just wanted to clear that up.
Point two: Mr. Obama associates himself with (and attends a church headed by) racist, separatist people with dangerous points of view. Mr. Obama’s preacher, Jeremiah Wright, stated “not God Bless American, but God Damn America” and blamed the United States for, among other things, 9/11 ( Mr. Wright, who married Mr. and Mrs. Obama and baptized their children, opposes the
What does this have to do with Obama? Mr. Obama’s preacher, spiritual advisor, and (at least minor) influence espouses a “black values system” and a racist, anti-American, anti-Semitic point of view. Mr. Obama’s preacher and church awards Louis Farrakhan, who is not a Christian, with a medal of honor, even though Mr. Obama’s church is Christian? Huh??? What??? Has Mr. Obama denounced Mr. Wright? No. Has he separated himself from Mr. Wright and his conspiracy theories about 9/11, including the famous “Jews knew about it” rhetoric? No. Mr. Obama has failed to separate himself from these racist leaders, and he is not being held to scrutiny for it.
What if a Republican went to a church headed by David Duke? Or a “white values system?” Perhaps this is demonstrating the frustration levied by Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro, and I quote, "If [Barack] Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept" (
If Mr. Obama does not separate himself from these incendiary rhetoricians, he will lose an election that Democrats should be favored to win. If the Democrats, and I am including the mainstream, drive-by media, do not scrutinize Obama more, they will create a puffed-up candidate who will fail miserably in the Fall, due to a high level of suspicion about his racial politics.
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