Friday, March 14, 2008

Wiretapping Bill Passed by House

No More Immunity for Telecoms

The House passed a wiretapping bill that would not give telecommunications industries (e.g., phone companies) immunity for conducting wiretapping for national security.

Bush is going to veto it anyway...but this will undermine national security if a Dem. gets the White house or the Dems get a veto-proof majority (look at Republican Congressional Resignations on Google). Why would a phone company allow the government to access security measures when it is not even sure if it would be immune from billion dollar lawsuits.

The Dems are playing a game of catch-22; if Bush okays the bill, the telecom industries could not help the government without fears of bankruptcy. Then a national attack happens, and Bush can be blamed for this law. If Bush vetoes the bill, Bush is then "undermining national security" by not accepting this harmful compromise.

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